4 Smooth and tricky ways to make your customer say WOW to your business

Good customer service goes with customer satisfaction. If a customer lags satisfaction it means that the customer service is not provided properly .It does not mean just satisfaction , it is to create ecstasy of customers. Many business lags in gratifying customers. Customer service is normal, when it is done as usual response to the customer’s needs. But a customer loves only when the service moves from an ordinary service to extraordinary service. They would love to have personalized experience from a business. The customers show that they are grateful for a business, if they come to know about the efforts from the business side towards them. It is paramount to work every moment for the moment of appreciation from the customers.
Few tips to make the customers appreciate your business

Perceive the value of price
Pricing a product plays major role in the success or failure of the business. It not only affects the performance and behavior of customers but it also shows its influence in improvement and profitability of the business. Though most of the consumers favor reasonably priced products, majority of the customers prefer low priced products compared to other alternatives. The basic rule of business economy is , if the price of a product is decreased, the demand for the same increases. On the other hand pricing a product low may affect a customer to see the thing they have bought in a negative light, conceivably shielding that customer from purchasing from a comparable retailer later on. So showing more care in pricing a product shows its result in bringing more customers in future.

Get personalized with customers
A personalized customer service is considered as a bestcustomer service. Providing a customer service with a personal touch creates well behaved customers and customers for life. Strong bonds with customers creates a huge differentiation from others. Personalization means that every customer should be treated as individuals, they should not be seen as numbers. It is something more than giving the customer an amazing service.

Do special customer events
Events are the great way to create brand awareness among the prospects and it has the power of picking up new customers. Conducting events for the customers are outstanding way for a business to engage customers. Conducting special events becomes the crucial part of marketing. Even this kind of activities encourages word of mouth marketing.          

Thank your customer
Positive feedback makes customers feel apparent and recognized, yet it must be done in the right way that really resonates. Thanking a customer may bring a great sense of appreciation and connection.Just saying thanking seems to be empty and it is insufficient. Thanking with gifts, offers, or on throwing a thanking event are the efficient ways to thank customers.

Do something often to delight your customers who are the real marketers who help to out match your competitors.

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