Sales funnel is the visual representation of work flow of a business
from reaching to the suspects to convert them into customers and to them. This
funnel is also called as marketing funnel, purchase funnel, or revenue
funnel.It helps to analyse the flow of a business.
The sales funnel involves the following stages.
Creating awareness
The first and foremost stage is the awareness stage. This
stage and next stage is to convert the suspects to prospects by making them
know the product, which can be done through Event marketing, lots and lots of
advertisements through media point outs, social media, Emails campaigns, etc.
Our main aim is to move the suspects from awareness stage to interest stage.
This should be the result of awareness stage.
Buid Interest
Interest stage is where the suspects are partially converted
to prospects since they know something about the product and when a person
searches a solution for his problem or if he is searching for alternatives to
improve his business, he may get an idea or solution from our blogs or other of
the advertisements of a business. This may increase his interest towards the product,
and drags him towards it.
Product Consideration
Now the suspects are completely converted to prospects. At
this stage the prospect must consider our product to make use of it for his
business, and here is where the work of marketers starts.It is the work of
marketers to share more information about the benefits, free trials, etc. that
we provide.
Forge an Intent to
buy the product
In the intent stage the prospect may demonstrate his needs
to buy a product or sell a product. Here the prospects are more serious with
real commitments. Again it is the marketers who should make the prospects
understand that their choice is correct to to buy a product.
A buyer may wish to buy a brand’s product, and we have to
make him understand that the product what we provide is the best choice.
Evaluation of the
Evaluation stage is the most critical stage where the
prospects should make decision whether to buy the product or not from us. Now
if the lead is ready to buy the product, they will compare with others before
making their final decision.
Our goal here is to make them to buy the product from us and
not from others.
Purchase of the
Finally, the prospect decides to buy the product. Now the
prospect changes to a customer. This is even a very important stage to retain
the customers by providing them a positive buying experience and making them to
build trust on us.
And the cycle starts again to retain the customer.
Hence, a sales funnel method helps to analyse and work
towards the improvement of a business.
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